Epic Fail

Today, I had an epic teacher fail.

  1. I created a Pinterest account for my class using the wrong email address.
  2. While trying to login, everyone accidentally created individual accounts (using our class email account spelled incorrectly in a wide variety of ways).
  3. When you create a new account, you have to pick several topics to follow. Since this is a class account, I chose animals, which completely covered our homepage with pictures of kittens. This was very distracting, obviously.
  4. You can’t delete an account without confirming a link in an email, so all of my students’ made-up accounts with misspelled email addresses can’t be deleted.
  5. Once I got the right login information, the boards that I had created earlier weren’t there (because they were on the original account with the wrong email address).

Needless to say, I ended the lesson prematurely. I just didn’t have any more patience with all of my compounded mistakes and everyone squealing over kittens. Sigh. A valuable lesson for me, not much learning for my students.


15 thoughts on “Epic Fail

  1. pamlingelbach says:

    If it’s any consolation, I had that epic fail with posting Amazon reviews.

    Well… with NOT posting Amazon reviews.

    For a lesson that was supposed to be part of my evaluation.

    Tomorrow’s a new day. With kittens.


  2. Dianne says:

    It is a good lesson for your students in not giving up, trying a different way to get to your goal, and being open and patient when things don’t go according to our plans. At the very least, it is a funny story they may remember, especially because of the kittens.


  3. teachingbychance says:

    This sounds like an epic teacher fail you can laugh at later! Unfortunately, I feel like this happens when first introducing something using technology. I have had my fair share of teacher fails just like this, always involving tech! Also, I love that the page was covered in kittens. That made me LOL. 🙂



    Definitely a growth mindset / learning from mistakes lesson. At least it was just pictures of cute kittens! I once googled “Provocative pictures” looking for a picture that would spark good conversation. Not a very productive search.


  5. karpenglish says:

    It always seems like such a great idea to tackle a new technology, when you are at home in your slippers. We’ve all had those completely disastrous tech moments. Still, at least your kids got to admire millions of kittens. 😂


  6. jumpofffindwings says:

    Any teacher worth her a place in the classroom has had an experience—probably many depending on her time teaching—like this. I had a similar “fail” (think: tomorrow is another day!) the day I introduced glogster, and don’t get me started on how scathing my students were in their critique of my handling of our first 20-Time venture. At least your kids were happy, kittens with cream; never ask an eighth graders anything unless you’re willing to face brutal honesty. Tomorrow IS another day.


  7. The K says:

    I’m sure the students learned how to deal with situations that don’t go as planned! And to see someone make a mistake and recover! And how cute kittens are! Hope your next Pinterest lesson goes well!


  8. Jen Driggers says:

    This made me laugh a little because I can totally see this happening to me too. And the kids learned from this. Mistakes happen and sometimes you gotta just go with the flow – and squeal at some kittens!


  9. glenda funk says:

    Think of it this way: You didn’t show your students naked people, which I’ve acvuddntally done. Kittens are forgiving.


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