Insomnia #sol17

I have been having trouble sleeping this school year.  Not trouble falling asleep, but staying asleep.  4:30 AM has become my unwanted companion.  Now, I am a morning person, but I need a good night’s sleep.  It has become very frustrating for me because I don’t know what is waking me up, and I can’t seem to stop thinking about school once I wake up.  This has never been a problem before (this is my 6th year teaching), but it has plagued me all year.

So here I am, up before my alarm (again), and while I can appreciate the quiet of my apartment and the dark sky outside, I would rather be sleeping.  What is going on this year to make me so restless? What changed this year from last year (I worked at the same school last year)?  My class is great, and I have very supportive parents.  I have a teaching job that fulfills me.  I am not having money troubles or troubles with my husband.  No one in my family is sick or unhappy.  I communicate with and see my friends on a regular basis.  My life is full of blessings.  But not a good night’s sleep apparently.


4 thoughts on “Insomnia #sol17

  1. vanessaw2007 says:

    Your post caught my eye because I’ve been having the same problem! It’s very frustrating. I thought possibly going to bed a little later and maybe that would make a difference. If you find a solution, let me know. Feeling your pain……


  2. hansonberries says:

    I too experience an early wake up! I have always been an early riser, even on the weekends. But now I awake almost daily at 4:30-ish. WIDE awake! So I try to fight off the incessant planning, worrying, replaying about my school days. Sometimes I can go back to sleep. Most times not. I have checked it off as part of the aging process, at least for me. You sound younger. I hope you find a solution.


  3. ccahill2013 says:

    I can totally relate!!! Wow. This slice hit me the minute I read it! I wake up almost every morning at 3:00 and then I finally fall asleep at 5:00 only to have to wake up at 6:00. As for the other piece of your slice – this is also a very familiar feeling; that when things are going well in our lives we think there must be something wrong…..Nope. Not always. It’s just insomnia!


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