Life-Changing Magic

I believe in the life-changing magic of tidying up. My husband and I have embraced the KonMari method of getting rid of “things” that do not bring us joy. I thought it sounded ridiculous in the beginning–saying good-bye to my things? unpacking my purse everyday? all of this talk about joy?–but I, Andrea Clark, certified cynic, now have a finely-tuned “joy-meter”. That skirt? No joy–get rid of it. That book? Love that book–keep it (time to reread it!). Why do these bowls bring me so much joy? Who cares!? Keep them! It’s so nice to be surrounded by things that make me happy.

While my apartment has received the KonMari treatment, my classroom hasn’t. I arguably spend more time in my classroom than in my apartment during the school year, so why wouldn’t I want my classroom to bring me joy? I do want it to bring me, and my students, joy. We do a lot of great learning and growing in this space. I want it to be a happy place, surrounded by things that we use joyfully and purposefully.

So this is what I did with my prep time today; I started KonMari-ing my room. It already feels better in here. I hope that it brings more joy to my students as well.


6 thoughts on “Life-Changing Magic

  1. jumpofffindwings says:

    How great that you have a “joy-meter” and that you actually attend to it. The catharsis of moving and shedding so many belongs is one of the real joys of moving, at least it was for me! A friend of ours recommended KonMari just before we put our house on the market. Truthfully, I kept “Does it bring you joy?” as my mantra. Now that we’ve relocated, I can honestly say I could’ve surrendered even more. You will be so glad you’ve taken it to your classroom. Here’s to more JOY, for you and your students!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. mschiubookawrites says:

    You are so RIGHT!!! Some days, I spend more time in school than at home, so certainly I should Marie Kondo it! Thank you for giving me a task tomorrow (day before Spring Break) that will bring me and students joy when we return.

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