A Good Writing Minilesson

This year, I have tried to be more intentional with my writing instruction. My students wrote a lot last year, and they certainly improved–some by a lot–but I wasn’t sure what I had actually taught them.

So, I planned my narrative unit more intentionally this year. I started with a week of writing first drafts, and then we dove into the revision process by learning a lot of different strategies.

Now, we’re in the editing stage of our final small moment narrative draft. Today, we talked about dialogue. I knew that some of my students included it in their pieces and that they understood the basic structure of dialogue, but I saw this as a place where we could make a big impact by looking at the punctuation and paragraphing of writing dialogue.

As I often do, I turned to a picture book to use as a mentor text.


Not only does this book include many examples of well-written dialogue, it is funny and includes hilarious idioms that were fun to discuss with my students.

We created a list of guidelines for including dialogue in our writing, starting with what we already knew and adding more as we read the book.


I feel like this was a good lesson. They learned something practical to use in their writing, it will make their writing a little more polished, and it was fun to do a bonus read aloud.


4 thoughts on “A Good Writing Minilesson

  1. Ramona says:

    So glad you made time to intentionally teach dialogue and the finer pts. of punctuation and paragraphing. I always had sixth graders who said they never knew to start a new paragraph each time the speaker changes. It’s amazing what they can forget over a summer! LOL! And now I’m off to request Bad Boys, a new title for me.


  2. Jennifer Laffin says:

    I love how you used a favorite mentor text to teach this important skill. Using dialogue correctly is tough so being able to analyze a published piece of writing to create some guidelines is important. I’m sure your students had fun doing this too!


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